Arm Dynamics

Arm Dynamics

Posts by Arm Dynamics

Assessment of Performance Using an Advanced Upper Extremity Prosthesis: A Case Report

Assessment of Performance Using an Advanced Upper Extremity Prosthesis: A Case Report

Resilience, Pain Interference, and Upper Limb Loss: Testing the Mediating Effects of Positive Emotion and Activity Restriction on Distress

Resilience, Pain Interference, and Upper Limb Loss: Testing the Mediating Effects of Positive Emotion and Activity Restriction on Distress

Socket for Partial Hand Prosthesis

Socket for Partial Hand Prosthesis

Peak Prosthetic Performance

Peak Prosthetic Performance

Focus on Rehab - Planning for Prosthetics

Focus on Rehab - Planning for Prosthetics

The Clinical Application of an Upper Limb Custom Silicone Interface: Observations of a Case Study

The Clinical Application of an Upper Limb Custom Silicone Interface: Observations of a Case Study

Amputations About the Shoulder: Prosthetic Management

Amputations About the Shoulder: Prosthetic Management

Transradial and Wrist Disarticulation Socket Considerations: Case Studies

Transradial and Wrist Disarticulation Socket Considerations: Case Studies

Managing the Upper Extremity Amputee: A Protocol for Success

Managing the Upper Extremity Amputee: A Protocol for Success