When multi-articulating myoelectric hands were first introduced, it was a breakthrough in the world of upper limb prosthetic options. Here was a device in the shape of a human hand that allowed for multiple grips, secure grasping for a wide range of objects, and even a positional thumb. They also looked like a robot hand, and many people were excited to become “bionic.” These prosthetic terminal devices allowed people to move the fingers into pre-determined grips so they could use a fork and spoon, brush their hair and teeth, and grasp pencils and styluses. You can learn all about them in our article, Introduction to Multi-Articulating Myoelectric Hands.

While the first-generation myoelectric hands provided grip, they were also somewhat fragile and didn’t stand up to heavy-duty tasks. Another limitation was that they weren’t waterproof, so you couldn’t wash both hands, do the dishes, or go out in the rain. Fortunately, multi-articulating hands have continued to improve.

In late 2016, our Arm Dynamics team was approach by a small New Zealand company that had just developed a novel myoelectric hand called TASKA. After thorough testing, we were encouraged with the function and durability of the hand. We worked closely with TASKA to introduce them to a US distributor that could also service hands without the delay of shipping them back to New Zealand. In 2017, TASKA Prosthetics introduced their new hand to the market. It was designed for durability, and to make it even more functional, the hand was totally waterproof. This was a pivotal change, and over the years, we’ve helped many people switch over to a robust TASKA.


In 2023, TASKA introduced the TASKA CX, a hand that moves faster than its predecessor, and has been trimmed down to a smaller size. It’s a good option for women and people with smaller hands who would like a prosthesis that matches the size of their sound hand.

Our patient Kiersten (pictured at the top of this article), who visits our Portland, OR, center, spoke with our team about her new TAKSA CX hand. Her first myoelectric hand was the bebionic by Ottobok, which helped Kiersten eliminate a lot of the overuse symptoms that she was experiencing as someone with a below elbow limb difference.

“The first benefit I noticed with this hand was the lock button. My other myoelectric hand was great. I really enjoyed wearing it. But I did have to turn it off if I wanted to, say, pick up a glass. I didn’t want to drop the glass if I accidentally move a muscle and the hand automatically opens. So, with the TASKA CX, I just use my other hand to hit the lock button on the back plate of the hand, and it locks. When I unlock, it’s still in the same position -- whereas before, when my previous hand turned back on it would return to the home position each time, it’s starting position. I’d have to make sure I could put down or drop whatever I was carrying. With the TASKA CX, I don’t have to worry about that. It also turns on a lot faster with just a quick click."

Kiersten Kelly

Another benefit? “The app gives me a lot more control. Not only do I get to pick the grips, but I can also pick what triggers the hand to go into that position. I don’t have to rely on my prosthetist to set the triggers for the hand I can make those changes as I learn how the device works with me. I can sit with a phone and my hand and figure out how to make the hand move more slowly when I want it to, using my muscles. I’m a visual learner, so having that biofeedback that shows up on my phone’s screen is great.”

Kiersten also likes the look of the hand. “It’s just so sleek, and the buttons, the whole thing just comes together to look cool.”

Kiersten isn’t our only patient who’s been enjoying their TASKA CX. Check out our Dallas, TX, center patient Angel in the video below:

While the TASKA and the TASKA CX are more rugged than other myoelectric hands, they still involve a complex combination of electronics, and they are not meant to perform the most extreme, heavy-duty tasks. Body-powered hooks, such as the V2P, are going to be the best bet for the really rough stuff.

If you would like to learn more about the TASKA and TASKA CX, please contact us. Once a patient heads to our centers to receive their hand, we don’t just give it to them and send them on their way. Our fitting process is unique and has been honed over years by our upper limb specialists. Additionally, our on-site clinical therapy specialists make sure that each person knows how to use their device before they go home. These are just two of the reasons our Arm Dynamics centers are exceptional.

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