A prosthetic device can be many things: a helpful tool, a way to get back to work and a confidence booster. But it’s not always easy to get one. Prosthetic care is complicated and involves not only qualified healthcare professionals to provide evaluations, fittings and rehabilitation, but also complex devices that need to be customized. We wanted to make sure that our readers are aware of several organizations that are providing financial assistance to people who need a prosthesis. In addition, we are including some organizations that provide in-person emotional support to those with a limb difference.

LSK Foundation 

Lauren Scruggs Kennedy was in an accident in 2011 that took her left arm. She is one of our patients and you can learn more about her on her Success Story page. After the support she received from both her city of Dallas and nationwide, she wanted to pay that care forward. The foundation, “exists to bring hope, restore confidence, and ignite faith in girls and women by providing beautiful cosmetic coverings for prostheses.” In our header image above, you can see the three founders of the LSK Foundation.

Diana and ARTech Restoration mid-process
Our patient Diana received help from the LSK Foundation to obtain her silicone restoration.

Beautifully Flawed

This organization is run by Bethany Hamilton, a professional surfer who lost her arm in a shark attack in 2013. Beautifully Flawed offers a retreat for young women with limb differences who are looking for emotional support. The retreat is “designed to unite and inspire women ages 14-25” and hopes to “uncover the beauty in every story.”


The same organization that puts together the Beautifully Flawed retreats began offering a version for men in 2020. “A retreat for male amputees to focus on faith, fitness, surfing, and healthy living.”

Challenged Athletes Foundation

We have fit many of our patients with activity-specific devices that have helped them get back to the gym, pursue personal trainer careers, swim, or other athletic pursuits. Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) can help with financial support for those looking for adaptive sports equipment including activity-specific upper limb prostheses. As they say on their site, “High costs of adaptive sports equipment and lack of resources should not keep individuals with physical challenges from being active.” One of our patients, Eduardo Garcia, pictured below, is a frequent supporter of this foundation.

Eduardo Garcia body-powered hook

Lucky Fin Project 

This cause was formed after Molly Stapelman gave birth to her daughter, who had symbrachydactyly, a rare congenital hand condition. In addition to creating a support network for parents, offering resources, and providing education, the Lucky Fin Project also financially supports efforts for children to “attend specialized camps, obtain prosthetics, and to fund other organizations within the limb different community.”

Enhancing Skills For Life

The mission of this organization is to “educate, empower and connect those living with bilateral upper limb loss.” There are events that allow peer support opportunities so that everyone with bilateral upper limb loss can meet and learn from each other. These events include webinars, bowling tournaments and more. In addition, they offer the Skills for Life: Bilateral Upper Limb Loss Workshop, and they do their best to offer it to would-be attendees for little to no cost. Our patient, Jason Koger, pictured below, attends regularly:

Jason Zipping

What organizations do you think should be added to this list? Please let us know by contacting us or commenting below. Are you looking for further resources for people who have a limb difference? Check out our Resources for Patients page. If you are someone with a limb difference, or a healthcare professional who would like to know more about how we help our patients, we would love to hear from you.

For more information, see related Arm Dynamics articles here:


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